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From: fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu (Frank da Cruz)
Subject: Announcing C-Kermit 7.0 for Beta testing
Date: 4 Feb 1999 00:49:54 GMT
Organization: Columbia University
Message-ID: <79aqri$4g2$1@newsmaster.cc.columbia.edu>
To: kermit.misc@mailrelay2.cc.columbia.edu
This is to announce a (hopefully) brief public Beta testing period for a
major new release of C-Kermit for UNIX, VMS, AOS/VS, and other platforms:
Version 7.0, to replace version 6.0 of September 1996.
The changes are significant, and there are far to many of them to list here.
Chief among them are:
. Configurability as an Internet service, similar to FTPD, but with
far more features and greater flexibility.
. Availability of Kerberos IV and V and SRP (TMs) security (USA and
Canada only).
. Ability to switch automatically between text and binary mode on a
per-file basis when transferring file groups.
. Ability to transfer directory trees -- even between different platforms,
such as UNIX, VMS, and Windows.
. Flexible file-selection options when transferring file groups.
. Faster file transfer, faster defaults.
. High-precision timers and statistics.
. New character sets, including those needed to show the Euro symbol.
. Increased power in the scripting language.
. New platforms supported.
Find the full story at:
This page lists and describes the new features, and contains links to
further information and to the software itself: source code, tar and zip
archives, and selected individual binaries for many platforms.
Special thanks to Jeff Altman for his key role in the design and development
of many of C-Kermit 7.0's most important new features. Thanks also to the
many contributors and testers, and to those companies, institutions, and
individuals who provided other forms of assistance including manuals,
equipment, advice, system access for building and testing, binaries,
reports, suggestions, and encouragement.
Please send any bug reports, remarks, or questions to:
And if you can make any binaries that we can't make ourselves, please let
us know.
- Frank